"Cutter has definitely been pressuring me to side against Ember. I think he's been terribly unfair - how can he ask me to turn against Ember? But at the same time, we've been family for so many years - he's practically my second lifemate. Am I going to... console him, now that Leetah is gone? Maybe. Am I going to help him destroy his daughter? I'm not sure. But I can't see myself helping Ember humiliate her father."
Pike and Skot retreat into their own little alliance, ever-aware that they may well be next on the chopping block. "Ever since Clearbrook left we've been seeing things a lot clearer," Pike says. "There are two camps: Ember's and Cutter's. The question is, do we side with one of them? Or do we keep playing with just the two of us and last as long as we can."
Skot: I don't like the idea of sucking up to someone just to stay alive a little longer. As long as you've bred your share, what's so thumping important about staying alive?On Day 31, the New Blood tribe gathers on a beach a short distance from their camp. "Well, how are you all doing?" Teir asks. "Sleeping well? Got a lot of muscle aches?Yeah, I bet you do. Well, today I have a special prize for you. One of you will have a chance to relax at a five star spa this afternoon, where you'll enjoy a traditional Beacon massage, an authentic Beacon mud pack, facial, and a traditional native feast. Want to see what you have to do? Well, it's simple. Today's challenge is a cross country race. You start down this trail until you come to a large root-spreader tree. There you'll find a tag with your name on it. Take that tab and turn left. Next you'll come to a steep slope. Run uphill to the crest of the hill. There you'll find another tag. Then you'll descend back intot he jungle, where you'll have to wade through a swamp to reach the third set of tags, hanging from traditional shaman's poles. After that you run onto a series of lava rocks and onto the beach. On the beach you'll find your fourth tag. Then just follow the beach back here. First with all four tags wins."Pike: I don't really know how deep in these alliances I want to get. I just want to have fun, stay as long as I can, and keep Skot with me as long as I can.
Skywise: Pike and Skot should be worried. Scouter and Cutter are fast coming together into this new alliance, and both of them want to weed those two out as soon as they can.
Rayek: I'm quite fond of Pike and the little gay Go-Back. But I'll vote them out if I have to get ahead. Scouter's approaching me for an alliance, and he's made it quite clear that if he can't strike out at Ember right away, then he'll settle for Pike and Skot.
The elves are off. Cutter takes the early lead, but Dewshine soon outpaces him through the dense forest. The elves collect their first tags and race up the hill. Pike stumbles and drops his tag, and loses valuable moments retrieving it. Cutter drops his two tags in the swamp and gropes for them in the muck as Ember dashes past him. By the time the elves appear on the beach, Dewshine is still in the lead, with Ember closing fast. In a sudden burst of speed, Ember breaks ahead of Dewshine and crosses the finish line.
"The winner, Ember!" Teir cries. Slowly all the other elves appear, one after the other. Pike is in last place - but Cutter is nowhere in sight. Finally Cutter answers Teir's sendings, allowed now that the challenge has ended. He appears several minutes later, covered in mud and slime, without a single token to his name. The same XL SUV that took the Wolfriders to their luau days earlier drives onto the beach, waiting for Ember to board. "Now, Ember..." Teir smiles. "Turns out... there's just enough room in the SUV for a friend. You want to invite someone to join you?"
Ember surveys the tribe. "Well... there's one person here who I've just really gotten to know lately, and I really think she's appreciate this. So Venka... is you want to come..." Venka smiles and runs over to hug Ember in thanks. The two women get into the SUV and drive off, and the other nine elves are left to return to camp.
Cutter: Why did Ember take Venka with her?"Venka and I had a great time," Ember says. "The chauffeur drove us out for about two hours, and suddenly we were at this incredible tropical resort that looked like it had been built up overnight. First we took a long shower, then these very nice humans led us over to these two pools of warm mud. We just dove right in."Scouter: If Ember thinks taking Venka with her will get her another ally, then she has another thing coming. I plan to have Venka squarely in my camp by the next council.
haven't felt so clean in ages," Venka says. "We just soaked in the mud
bath until we thought it would petrify around us, then we got out for another
shower, then received these bone-melting massages from the human masseuses.
We could barely lift our heads when the time came for the facial and manicure.
By the time the humans were finished, we were wrapped up in silk robes,
lounging on futons and dining on incredible Beacon stir-fry and sushi.
Then we just laid back on the beach and watched the stars come out."
Venka: This is heaven.Back at camp, Scouter and Rayek are hard at work on their own plans. "Rayek says he'll support me," Scouter says. "I'm promising to take him and Venka with Dewshine and me into the Final Four. At the same time I'm promising Cutter that I'll take him and Skywise with me. My plan is to pick of Ember's supporters, then have Rayek and Venka vote with Dewshine and me to take Cutter and Skywise out."Ember: So... what do you think of my father? Do you really think he has what it takes to lead this tribe?
Venka: Hah. If we hadn't merged Skot and Zhantee and Pike and I would have voted him out.
Ember: You want to vote him out next?
Venka: Mmm... he is very strong. As long as we keep an eye on him, and as long we make sure we outnumber his faction, he's probably safe to keep a little longer.
Cutter: Scouter has pledged loyalty to me. We're planning to take down Rayek and Ember one after the other.Rayek: Cutter thinks Scouter is going to help him destroy me. What he doesn't know is that Scouter and I have made a pact to destroy him and Ember. I only wish I can see his face when he finds out that his "loyal tribemate" is siding with his worst enemy.
Skywise: Some freaky sh*t is going on here at New Blood. That's all I can really say right now.
Dewshine: I can't believe she said that. This game is making everyone crazy.
Nightfall: Please, High Ones tell me he didn't try to hit her again. The last time he tried that she tore into him like there was no tomorrow. This time she might just hit him back.
Skot: With a closed fist! Hit him, hit him, hit him!The family feud is interrupted by the latest immunity challenge. Rayek hands over Bearclaw's necklace, and Teir introduces the game. The race is to assemble a four foot high cube out of eight different puzzle pieces, scattered all around the open plain. At the start, everyone hurries to find their designated colour, then the elves begin to assemble their cubes. To the amazement of everyone, Skot wins. Teir fastens the immunity necklace around his neck. "Now, Skot, do you want to keep this immunity, or give it to someone else?" Skot looks across at Pike. "Pike and I are pretty much hanging by a thread. So if one of us is going tonight I'd rather it be me. I'm going to give immunity to Pike."
"I just wanted to start crying when Skot gave Pike immunity," Dewshine says. "Pike was all flushed, and I think even he had a tear in his eyes. They just held on to each other for the longest time. I wonder if Scouter would do the same for me?"
Scouter: Skot just sealed his fate. He's out of here tonight.The elves keep a quiet camp all of Day 33. Scouter confronts Venka on a water run, demanding to know where her loyalties lie. "You went to the spa with Ember," he says. "Are you sure that you haven't made some sort of deal with her?" Venka is definite. "My father and I have made a pact to support you, in exchange for a spot in the Final Four. I don't made promises I don't intend to keep."
Skot and Pike try some last minute campaigning to keep Skot in the tribe for three more days. They approach Skywise, who promises not to vote Skot off, but who confesses that there is little hope that Skot will survive the tribal council. "If I could just hang on three more days I'd make it into the Jury. But I'd rather my squirrel-cheeks make it in than me. Besides - one of us had better see how Krim is doing. We all die sooner or later. I'm ready."
At sunset, the tribe arrives at tribal council. When asked if he has anything to say, Skot says "I had a good run, and I'd sure love to stay on another three nights. But let's face it - I'm the low wolf. I suppose I really should have kept immunity if I wanted to stay on. But it's just not that important to me. So if it's my night - then I say drukk it all and I'll see you back at the holt."
"It's time to vote," Teir says.
Skywise: (on voting for Scouter) He's a paranoid backstabber, and it's high time he left.Teir brings the vote back and reads them out one by one. They are divided between Skot and Scouter, with Skot receiving 6 votes to Scouter's 4. Scouter seems less than pleased with the high minority of votes he received, while Skot accepts his death with good grace. "Take care, babe," he whispers to Pike before he brings his staff over to Teir to be extinguished.Scouter: (on voting for Skot) We don't have the rooms for people who aren't taking this game seriously.
Skot: (on voting for Scouter) You're going down, pretty-boy. Maybe not today, but you're going down.
"The rest of you are all guaranteed a spot in the game in one way or
the other," Teir says after Skot has left. "There are only nine of you
left now. The next person voted off becomes the first member of the Jury.
Now you have to really plan your strategies carefully, because the elves
who make it to the Final Two will be judged by the very people they helped
vote out. It doesn't get any better than this."
I had a good run - got this close to the jury. Thanks Venka, Pike, Krim and Zhantee for sticking by me. I wouldn't have made it this far without ya. Keep on your toes, Pike, and I'll see you when you get back. I promise, I won't eat any double-pepperoni deep-dish without you. 'Bye everyone. To the Palace. |