On the other side of the cove, the Wolfriders have another hard night on the sand. A split has occured in the tribe, and when Rayek, Venka, Zhantee and the two Go-Backs sleep up in Shelter B, high in the trees, the others continue to build little shelters which don't hold up. "Yes, Rayek's shelter looks cozy," Cutter says. "But we didn't survive as a tribe by taking the comfy route. I'm sure our shelter will be up soon." Treestump agrees. "We know all about shelter making - we don't need lessons from the likes of Rayek."
Rayek: Oh, they know all about shelter making - that's why they can't get a roof up over their heads. Pssht, Wolfriders. Take away a treeshaper and they're royally screwed.The food situation is becoming worrisome. Neither tribe has found much meat, and a diet of pure fruit is wearing them down. "Cutter ate a piece of rotten fruit last night," Rayek snickers. "He was howling all bloody night, wailing about his stomach cramps. For the love of High Ones, just go into the bushes and take it like a man."
Skot: We've sharpened a few sticks with our one dagger, and Krim and I have gone hunting every day. But we haven't caught much."Without the wolves and our real weapons catching food is a lot harder than we imagined," Clearbrook says. "So far all we've caught are a few rodents." In desperation, Clearbook donned a swimsuit and tubetop to go wading in the surf for shellfish, to the admiring praise of Skot and Mender.
Mender: Who knew she had legs that just won't quit hidden under her old bell bottoms?On Day 4, the tribes meet for their first reward challenge. The prize up for offer is two fishing nets and several metal spearpoints. The contest is an obstacle course, involving rope walks, a stomach crawl, a ten foot wall, and several other challenges. Aroree sits out, and the two teams of nine compete. The Wolfriders win, while Tyleet, Redlance and Leetah slow up the Wild Hunt just long enough for them to lose.Skot: Yeah, Clearbrook's hot. She just has to show off her curves a little more.
Treestump: No, I can't say I like the two lads staring at my lifemate all the time when they ought to be hunting. But if that's the way it is, that's the way it is. Can't say I blame them? I mean, I swept in to snap her up like, what... thirty-six hours after One-Eye died? Ah... memories. They fade in the autumn years. It's like... oh... what's his name... someone... said once. Huh... anyway. Where was I?
Cutter: Hah! Two for two! In your face, Ember!Wild Hunt tries to rally their flagging spirits, but Skywise and Leetah snap at each other on the long walk back to camp. Pike and Nightfall finally catch meat - a small wild pig they kill with wooden spears. Tyleet eats a double portion, on account of her delicate condition, then promptly vomits.Aroree: Oh, I was so glad to see my little love was not voted off last night.
Rayek: Aroree. Oh, don't get me started. She spent the entire challenge mooning over Skywise. Thank High Ones she was not competing - she would have let Skywise win.
Pike: That was hard to take. We're all starving for real meat, and Tyleet throws up her share. If she was feeling queasy couldn't she just give one of us her piece?Dewshine: I really feel for her. I remember when I was pregnant. Yeah, I have a little baby son myself, how cute is that?
Scouter: Tyleet's carrying my child. My son! Yes, yes, a son for Scouter. An heir! An HEIR! Ohh, sorry, I kinda went somewhere else there. Anyway, I'm worried about her. She shouldn't be here. She should be back at Thorny Mountain knitting booties and eating anything she wants, not rotting fruit and rancid pork.
Ember: Three losses in a row! I was so mad I wanted to scream.The Wild Hunt return to their campsite to prepare for tribal council, and Tyleet vomits again. "I'm sorry, everyone," Tyleet says. "I just can't keep anything down right now. The cubling is restless, I think. But I'll get better. Don't worry about me. I'll make it up to all of you starting tomorrow." But several elves refuse to meet her eyes on the long walk to tribal council. Inside the tribal council hut, Teir is waiting for them, and as the Wild Hunt sits down, Teir asks them about their morale after three losses.Clearbrook: Ohh, I think I feel a little sick. That was... a lot of meat. Ohhhhh...
Rayek: Mmm, slow-roasted, perfectly done, with this little spice I couldn't quite identify. I haven't eaten this well in weeks.
Nightfall: Well, of course it's galling. But we just have to keep the faith and trust in ourselves. The challenges have been difficult, but I'm sure that in the following days we'll get our second wind, and... Teir... Teir, would you stop staring at Ember, please?Tyleet senses her time has come and pleads with her tribemates not to vote her out. "I'll do better tomorrow. Really - I know I will. Just give me a chance. I can do this game. I don't want any of you to feel sorry for me - I'm stronger than I look. Come on," she laughs. "Give me a chance to pull your tails out of the fire, huh?"Leetah: You can stare at me if you like, Teir? Uh, Teir? Teir? Oh come on, I'm hotter than Ember. She's a scrawny little stick! (plumps cleavage) Look at these girls!
Redlance: Uh... I agree with everything Nightfall said. Yeah. No, I don't have anything else to add.
Skywise: So... Teir, does someone write a script out for you read from, or do you just make up these questions as you go along?
Ember and Nightfall praise Tyleet's contribution to the tribe. But Tyleet's morning sickness cost her, and 5 of the 9 votes were for her. One vote was for Redlance, one for Dewshine, one for Pike, and one for Leetah.
Scouter:(while voting for Tyleet) It's for you to go, lifemate. I will carry on the battle for you, and when I return with the million dollars everyone will see how well I care for my lifemate. You need to rest and concentrate on bearing my heir."Tyleet, the tribe has spoken," Teir says. "It's time for you to leave."Pike:(while voting for Dewshine) Sorry, cutie. Nothing personal. But this tribe needs comic relief more than it needs the Cute Chick.
Leetah:(while voting for Redlance) We need a teammate, not Nightfall's little love-slave!
Dewshine:(while voting for Pike) Well, I can't just vote Tyleet out - Scouter might be happy to have that on his conscience, but I'm going to take the high road - this time. Nothing personal, Pike. Lots of luck (girlish giggle).
Skywise:(while voting for Leetah) Only wolf-blooded elves should go scouting, says Leetah. My senses aren't what they used to be, says Leetah. I'm an all-holy little twit-wit who plans to win by the size of her boobs, says Leetah.
Well, this is it. I was hoping to last a little longer, but what's done is done. Sorry, everyone. I thought I was made of stronger stuff. But maybe this is a good thing - now I can just sort of curl up and listen to the baby growing. I can't wait until he's born and I can hold him in my arms like I did Little Patch.... |