The mist that descends on tribal council becomes a pouring rain as the
Wolfriders trek back to their camp. "I knew I should have been on the other
tribe," Rayek glowers. "Those first few wins were flukes. It's all downhill
now. Ember and her tribe are going to kill us. Not even having Venka helps
anymore. She's too busy playing the ice queen. I know I should just suck
it up, but dammit, I wasn't put together that way! If I can last long enough,
I can kick Cutter's ass in the individual challenges, but I know I'm just
one step away from the block. Drukk, I should have done what Strongbow
did and abstained." Other members of the Wolfriders are feeling the pinch.
"From now on I'll just keep my mouth shut and do everything Cutter tells
me to," Zhantee decides. "It's worked for the last five hundred years."
Back at the Wild Hunt, Ember is once again absent, as is Pike. "If I know those two, they're probably getting ready good and drunk without me," Skywise mourns. Ember returns around 3 am, still quite sober. However Pike is found on the beach, mortally hungover and very maudlin. "He kept singing Wolfrider howls off-key and then lapsing into choruses of 'Tainted Love'," Skywise says. "He misses Skot. Those guys haven't been apart for one that fifteen minutes before, let alone fifteen days!"
Leetah: Oh boo hoo, we all get separated from the ones we love. Need I remind everytone that my Ta- I mean Cutter, Cutter, survived for five hundred years without his loved ones.At noon on Day 13 the tribes gather, expectant of a tribal challenge. "Now I know you think you're here for a reward challenge, and in a way it is. Today we're adding a little twist to the game. Today any one of you - if you choose - can switch tribes. Only one, mind you, and if more than one want to switch you'll have to compete for it. Now, this choice will have consequences throughout the entire strategy of the game, so I want you all to take a moment to think about-"
Rayek: Me. I want to go to Ember's tribe.Teir: All right, Rayek. No one else from the Wolfriders? No one at all. Uh, okay. Now... the challenge is... will someone from the Wild Hunt elect to switch over the Wolfriders? Now, Rayek, you'll have to convince-
Pike: Me.
Teir: (flabbergasted) Well... all righty then. Class dismissed. Rayek, you get the green bandana. Pike, here's your blue one. Um... yeah, damn, that was easy.
Venka: I'm sorry to lose Father, but he would have been a fool not to take the switch. Hopefully we'll see each other again at the merge.Krim: This sucks. Skot was just starting to get desperate enough to pay attention to me. Now he's got Pike back I might as well decamp for the Frozen Mountains and hope Kahvi waited for me.
Skot could not be reached for comment. Neither could Pike.
Rayek soon made himself at home at the Wild Hunt, using his floating skills to go up the hillside on water runs and teaching the Wild Hunt how to improve their firebuilding skills. He and Ember in particular seemed to form a fast bond, and Skywise gave him a somewhat wry welcome to camp. Nightfall, however, remained aloof. "I watched Cutter suffer through what Rayek did to him. No... I won't welcome him with open arms." Leetah also expressed a certain trepidation about Rayek's presence. "I know it's going to be very hard for Rayek to live here," says Leetah. "What with all the simmering sexual tension between us."
Rayek: Leetah couldn't even wait five minutes before she threw herself all over me. High Ones she's gotten cheap.Back at the Wolfriders, Krim's frustration at been pushed out of Skot's affections by Pike's return is rising. She forgets to tie the boat up, and by morning high tide has swept the little "water-leaf" out to sea. "We needed that boat!" Venka shouts in uncharacteristic shortness. "I know Krim is upset, but that's no excuse." Krim tries to defend herself, claiming that she did tie the boat up, and that if it washed out it was probably because someone else tripped over the rope. "Why didn't she just say a monkey bit through the rope?" Cutter sneers. Clearbrook agrees. "She really should have taken responsibility."
"Damn it," Mender mutters to the camera several hours later. "I think I did trip over something when I got up to take a leak. You don't think... nah, couldn't have been. Let's just keep this to ourselves, hey?"
Day 14 the reformed tribes meet for the 5th immunity challenge of the game.
It is a race to assemble five large wooden blocks in order to erect an
authentic totem pole. While Rayek's floating powers cannot help the Wild
Hunt in the challenge, as all magic is forbidden, he serves as the overseer
of the totem pole's construction. The Wild Hunt wins their third immunity
challenge in a row.
Cutter: Oh, that's just drukking perfect!The Wolfriders again face the spectre of tribal council. Krim's future is in doubt, as is Zhantee's. "Now, I know I made some faux pas earlier," he says. "But Krim really got everyone mad yesterday, and I'm hoping that that good old Wolfrider short-term memory will pull me out of the fire tonight."Mender: And now Ember's squeezing Teir's ass! What the drukk is going on with my woman? If we don't start winning these immunity challenges again, I'm so screwed.
At tribal council Krim makes no apologies for her actions, insisting that the boat incident was not her fault. Pike tries to deflect the burden, insisting that Go-Backs truly live in the Now. Zhantee also falls under fire for his former faults. But when it is time to go into the voting cubicle, Krim is voted out with a majority of four votes. Once again Zhantee gets a vote, and in a strange turn of events, so does Mender and Venka.
Venka: I can't think who voted for me. I thought I've been playing the game very well."The tribe has spoken," Teir says. "Krim, it's time for you to go."Mender: Who voted for me? Who did it? I voted for Venka, and Krim voted for Zhantee - I can figure that out. But who voted for me?Was it Teir? Did he sneak a vote in?
Skot:(on voting for Mender) Well, I won't vote for Krim, she's my lifemate, even if she is a militant bitch. And I won't vote for Zantee, cause he's fun to hang out with. And I'm not going to force my hand and vote for Cutter just yet. So, it's... time for Mender-puppy to go.
Drukk it. It was all Teir's fault. If he hadn't let Pike tribe swap I wouldn't have forgotten to tie the boat up tight and Zhantee would be going home. Drukk it. That's all I have to say. Get that drukking camera out of my face. |