Day 25 passes slowly, as both tribes restlessly await some signal that the merge will take place. Finally, in midafternoon, Scouter finds a tree-mail invitation for "Mister Rayek of Sorrow's End" to report to the position marked on the accompanying map. At the same time, the Wolfriders find a message inviting "Mister Pike of Father Tree" to come to a spot marked deep in the jungle. "I don't know what's up, or why Teir wants Pike," Cutter shrugs. "If anyone should go, it should be the chief." "Maybe because Pike was in both tribes," Clearbrook guesses. "It has something to do with the merge, we know that much."
Rayek set off in the afternoon, heading towards the point marked on the map. "It was the hardest trek through the jungle. I wanted to fly above the canopy, but if I did I wouldn't be able to follow the landmarks on the forest floor." When Rayek finally arrives at the designated spot, he finds a small campsite set up with a traditional Beacon bamboo hut, a roaring fire, and a large buffet table piled with assorted foodstuffs. "Tusk-hog, pheasants, all ready to be roasted. And a tray of oysters, and escargot, and caviar and sushi. Plus bottles dreamberry wine and belgian chocolates - even a six-pack. Hmmm... there must be a Wolfrider coming here." Sure enough, a few minutes later, Pike arrives. "Hey, Rayek! So you're the one they sent from the other tribe!"
Just then, like a malevolent genie, Teir appears from behind the hut. "Welcome, Rayek and Pike. You're probably wondering why you're here. Well, you are the only two elves to have already visited both tribes. In fact, you're been members of both tribes. And you're probably thinking this has something to do with the merge. And you're right. You two are going to serve as ambassadors for the Wild Hunt and the Wolfriders. Tonight you're going to decide which camp the new tribe will stay at, what your new tribe name will be, and the colour of you new tribe bandanas. And to help you work, we have a dinner for you. Pork, pheasants, venison, which you can cook or eat raw, some rare delicacies from Beacon, Heartstone oysters, and for Pike-"
humans appear, carrying two large flat boxes each. "Is that -?" Pike begins.
"That's right," Teir nods. "Double pepperoni, triple-cheese deep-dish pizza.
Now, you're probably wondering how you'd get back to your tribe after eating
all this. Well, don't worry, because you can stay here the night on a nice
soft futon just inside this hut here. And if you'll follow that path down
there, you'll find hot running water, so you can take a shower before you
go to bed. Any questions? No? They I'll see you in the morning."
Pike and Rayek soon settle in to their evening. "I was a little worried at first," Rayek said. "But actually Pike is a very interesting person to spend an evening with." Pike agreed. "Yeah, Rayek was a lot of fun once we got some liquor into him."
They decide to take showers before getting started on dinner. "It was a gift from the High Ones," Rayek says. "We changed into the silk pyjamas left for us, made a few bad jokes about how easily someone could get the wrong idea, seeing the two of us lolling about in pyjamas together, then got down to business."
The first task, to choose a campsite, proves a simple one, and within minutes they decide on the caves of the Wild Hunt. But finding a new camp proves more difficult. "We thought of the Questers, the Quest-Elves, the Wild Elves, the Wild Wolves, Rayek and the Revolutionary Army of Sorrow's End, Trickster's Tribe, the Fighting Pikes, nothing really stuck," Pike says. "Then Rayek suggested New Blood, and we decided to pounce on that before we go too drunk to remember it. And we both look good in gold, so we decided on gold for our bandanas."
"Dinner was wonderful," Rayek says. "Pike likes cooked meat too, so we roasted the entire tusk-hog and washed it down with dreamberry wine. I persuaded him to try the sushi, then we split the pizza. We'll make quite the sight going home to our tribes fat as zwoots, with pepperoni on our breaths."
Rayek: Y'know Pike (hic) you're not half so annoying as I figured.Come sunrise, a very hungover Rayek is pushed in the general direction of the Wolfriders, and Pike is shoved towards Wild Hunt. By noon the Wolfriders have gotten their orders - they are to move to the Wild Hunt by evening. "What were Rayek and Pike doing all night?" Clearbrook wonders aloud. "Why didn't you bring us any dreamberry wine?" Skot demands. Rayek responds by going green and racing into the bushes.Pike: Right back at ya! (hic) Why if I wasn't lifemated - I'd go out with ya like that!
Rayek: And if...(hic) I ever decide to... (urp) try it with a lad... you'll be right (hic) on the top of my list... after Skywise.
Pike: Yeah, Skywise is hot.
Rayek: You ever...
Pike: Oh yeah. We go way back. Hey... how's Leetah?
Rayek: (shrugs) Winnowill's better.
Pike: Yeah. Winnowill's hot.
Rayek: Hey Pike. You and Venka....?
Pike: Oho yeah!
Rayek: Mmph. Cutter and Venka?
Pike: Eww, no.
Rayek: Good.
By early afternoon, the Wolfriders come into view at the Wild Hunt's beach. "There they are!" Scouter shouts. "Isn't this wonderful?" Dewshine smiles. "We just passed the halfway point of the game, and now we're one big tribe again." Ember tries to rouse Pike so he can greet Skot properly, but he fell fast asleep after delivering his message to the Wild Hunt and wouldn't wake up. "So he didn't bring back any wine either?" Skot rages. "Wake up, lazybones!" he growls, and kicks Pike's prone form several times.
Pike: Hey, what the drukk - oh, (smiles) hi, baby. How's it going?Cutter: I can't believe they voted Leetah off the other night. I was all ready to greet her properly, and now I find out she's gone.
Skot: Oh-uh. Cutter's can't have sex tonight. We'll all suffer for it.
Teir arrives at sunset with nine humans bearing assorted meats, candies, potato chips and a dozen bottles of dreamberry wine. The newly formed New Blood tribe drinks to their future, Pike and Skot start a bonfire, and soon twelve drunken elves are dancing in celebration. The everpresent "game" is forgotten for one night, and everyone enjoys themselves immensely.
The next day twelve hung-over elves report for the first of the individual immunity challenges. "I'll take back the Little Palace," Teir says, retrieving the immunity idol from Cutter. From now on this will be the new immunity necklace." He holds up Bearclaw's wolf's head necklace. "Now for the challenge. It will be trivia contest. Each of you, pick up a wooden cube. You'll see an A, a B, a C, a D, a True and a False written on it. When I ask a question about traditional Beacon culture, you'll turn the answer you think is correct towards me. We'll keep playing until only one survivor is left."
Cutter is disqualified first, then Pike, Skot, Clearbrook, Scouter... one by one the elves fall until only Venka remains after fifteen questions have been asked and answers. "How can we keep track of all the Beacon history?" Ember asks afterwards. "Cannabalistic transvestite tribal shamans who practice piracy and scrawl out mystical incantations on walls whenever they aren't ritualistically scaring each other or castrating their enemies. Only someone like Venka could keep that all straight."
Venka: I'm very happy to have immunity. I must say, this necklace suits me, don't you think, Father?At tribal council the elves shares their experiences about the last day. "It's been a transition, but we'll all having a lot of fun," Clearbrook says. "It's nice to be one tribe again." However the mood darkens when Teir asks if there is any voting bloc in play. No one will admit there are any strategies at work. Soon it is time to vote. When Teir reads them, several minutes later, seven of the twelve votes are for Zhantee. Venka smiles sadly and hugs him goodbye before he takes his torch to Teir to be snuffed out.Teir: Now, there is a new twist this immunity now, Venka. You cna choose to keep the necklace, or you can pass it to someone who needs it even more. Do you want to take a moment to think about it?
Venka: I think I will... I think I will keep it.
Teir: Okay, Venka, you're guaranteed three more days. The rest of you, tribal council in a few hours. One of you is going home tonight.
"The first member to be voted out of New Blood," Teir says. "Everything
changes now."
I made it to the merge! I never thought I would. Do I resent anyone, now that I'm out? No, not really. Everyone played the game really well, and I was proud to be play alongside them all. Do I wish Venka had given me immunity? If she had, she might have been the one to go, since Cutter doesn't trust her anymore. No, I think all in all, everything worked out well, and I wish you all the best. I'm off to get some chicken strips and fries. I'll see you all later. |