Birthplace: Blue Mountain Occupation: Psycho Diva "I've tried murdering them in Canon-Quest, I've tried murdering them in the Alternaverse. And what has it gotten me? In Canonverse I'm stuck waging predictable wars that only get more futile and derivative each time. And in the Alt'verse I'm this disembodied goody-goody who hasn't had a meaty story role since The Ballad of Two-Edge! So my new strategy is put the best of both tribes together on the same island, and let them do the work for me. Sole Survivor? I'll be surprised if this game has any survivors!" |
Birthplace: Father Tree Occupation: Jackass Chief Luxury Item: "My Father's Sword!" "No one's taking New Moon away from me this time. I may have settled for being a Jurymember last time, but now I'm shooting for the big prize! I know I have a great team behind me. And I know the other tribe is going down!"
Birthplace: Father Tree Occupation: Charming Rake Luxury Item: The Lodestone "Well, I made it to third place last time, and this time I'm not about to get suckered by Ember's little innocent act. I'm pumped, I'm ready to play, and nothing is going to get in my way - whoa! Who is that sexy little pirate wench on the other tribe?" |
Birthplace: Sorrow's End Occupation: Newbie Chief and Survivor:ElfQuest Winner Luxury Item: Teddy Bear from Teir "Here we go again. Can you catch lightning in a bottle twice? We'll see." |
Birthplace: Father Tree Occupation: Taciturn Wet Blanket Luxury Item: Chicken Soup for the Archer's Soul **Well, I still can't believe I let Moonshade sign me up for this, but I noticed we did have a shocking lack of competent players last season, so my presence can only help the tribe.** |
![]() Birthplace: Father Tree Occupation: Polygamous Huntress Luxury Item: Replacement Bandanas "The Way teaches us many things... but I don't think it ever took into account a Survivor like this. Well, I'm ready for whatever I face - the smaller truth within the larger, live in the Now... you know how it is. I'm really interested in meeting the new tribe." |
Birthplace: Father Tree Occupation: Professional Malcontent Luxury Item: Murderous Disposition "I'm back, and I've learned a lot of lessons since the last Survivor. Rayek always said I needed to be more of an outright villain if I wanted to win the game. I hesitated to give my tribemates both barrels, but these Alternaverse elves... they're going down." |
Birthplace: Thorny Mountain Occupation: Deferential Goody-Goody Luxury Item: Family photo album "Well, I'm back. I'm a little tougher, this time around, a little more world-wise, and I think this time I'm going to stay around a little longer. Sole Survivor? Oh, I don't know about that. I just want my baby to be proud of me." |
Birthplace: Snow Country Occupation: Morally Ambiguous Chieftess Luxury Item: Rawhide Chews for Sparkling White Teeth "You cut me out of the last one just because I wasn't in the Shards War, huh? Well, Kahvi's back, and I'm taking this to the next level. Let's what those featherweights from the Alternaverse can dish out, huh? Sole Survivor, baby! That's me!" |
Birthplace: Father Tree Occupation: Popular Ghost Luxury Item: Ouja Board "Yay! First living-impaired Survivor contestant! I know I have a big handicap against me, but I'm ready to prove that you don't have to have a heartbeat - or a body, for that matter - to win a reality show. I hope I can be a role model for all spirits and mortal elves." |
Birthplace: Greymung's Troll Caverns Occupation: Obnoxious Quasi-Villain Luxury Item: Mondo Sunhat "Troll Power! I will be the Sole Survivor. I have ruled over my own kingdom for ten millennia. I founded my own empire. Slugscat, I survived having Maggotty as my mother-in-law. I think I can handle a namby-pamby reality show." |