Sure enough, Strongbow makes his play as the six-member strong Kumquat tribe makes its way back to camp. **I just betrayed my chief,** he lock-sends to Swift. **But he was a weak chief, and we cannot afford a weak leader. We must stand united if we are to win the challenges ahead.**
**Really? Weren’t you fighting hard to get Cutter to vote me out tonight?**
**He would not turn against his own soul. It seems he is the better man.**
**How commendable. But as you say, we cannot afford weakness. So what’s your offer?**
He leans in close and whispers hoarsely in her ear. “We’re tied at three Alternaverse elves and three Warp. Tyleet and Crescent will support me. They are loyal to their blood-kin. We’ll force another tie if we go to Council again. I say we unite ourselves as one tribe. No more slacking off. No more infighting. No more soulname wars. We stick together until the merge. Then we slaughter each other at our leisure. But only once we’re at the merge.”
Struck by the intensity of his words, Swift hesitates. “Now... how come you didn’t send all of that?” she whispers.
Come daybreak on Day 19, Brightmetal is spearfishing in knee-deep water while Crescent hovers around him, her spectral haze seeming to brush his shoulders occasionally. “Your father’s a good man,” he tells her. “I think there’s great possibilities for an alliance.”
“With you and Swift and Cheipar?” she asks.
“Yeah, something like that,” Brightmetal replies evasively. “Anyway, I wouldn’t be upset about it. You know, Strongbow going off on his own like that. I mean... you weren’t in on it, were you? Ah... I wouldn't worry about it.”
“But you were in on it, weren't you?” Crescent charges.
Swift: Brightmetal... he was the only one who wasn't surprised by last night. And I can't help but wonder... what's he got planned.Over at Camp Green Moon, Savin and Skywise and taking a long walk on the beach together. Coppersky watches them with a cynical scowl. “I don’t like it. I know Savin thinks she’s playing him... but if she’s not careful he’ll take over again. The plan was to take the Warp elves out one by one. But I just know Skywise is going screw everything up.”
Spar: I’m worried that Skywise might convince Savin to drop me and keep him. Ugh. I better go over to Weatherbird and turn on the charm.They receive tree-mail in the late morning telling them to report to the nearby beach. Winnowill and the camera crews are waiting for them. The challenge is laid out in front of them, a long braided, with several thinner ropes trailing from the ends. The rope lies across a gooey mud pit, and Swift moans at the sight of it. “Come on in,” Winnowill beckons. “Green Moon, get your first look at the new Kumquat tribe. That’s right – Cutter, voted out in the last tribal council. This sort of fun only happens once in a lifetime. All right, today’s challenge is for reward. And it’s a straight-forward challenge – a good old fashioned tug of war. We have a lovely mud pit here, and a heavy rope with six waist clips for you. The first tribe to haul the other tribe to the opposite side of the mud pit wins. Green Moon – since you have one extra player, you’ll have to sit someone out.”
Skywise: No brainer there. Littlefire couldn’t help us anyway. Although Coppersky really tried to beg off. Whining little prima donna.“What to know what you’re playing for?” Winnowill asks. Just then – in another moment of perfect timing that almost certainly owes its impact to careful editing after the fact – a giant yacht sails into view. The camera zooms in to reveal Cam Triompe standing at the bow of the vessel. “Yes, that’s right! He’s back.”Tyleet: It’s basically the same challenge we had yesterday. But this time we’ve got Brightmetal on our side.
The Warp elves moan. The Alternaverse elves blink. Savin leans over to Weatherbird and asks, “What’s Lando Calrissian doing here?” Her granddaughter can only shrug.
“Cam Triompe, aboard the vintage James Bond yacht Soucoupe Volante, to take the winning tribe on a cruise around the outer reefs for fresh fish grill, snorkelling and whale watching. Complementary brunch buffet. Alcoholic beverages available at a slight surchage. Now, let’s get down to business.”
Coppersky: This is cruel and unusual punishment.The elves get in position and strap their belts around their waists. Brightmetal stands at the rear of the Kumquat tribe, ready to throw his weight into the endeavour. Coppersky stands at the rear of his tribe, trying to keep out of the bubbling mud. Winnowill shouts the signal, the elves begin to pull hard on their tethers. Immediately Brightmetal’s bulk puts the Kumquats ahead, and they begin to drag the Green Moon tribe into the mud. Savin falls flat on his face. Nightfall’s boots fill with dirty water. Littlefire gets up from his seat on the beach and goes off wandering. Winnowill motions a camera crew to follow him.
Now the Green Moon tribe is digging in its collective heels. Skywise, Nightfall, Coppersky, Savin, Weatherbird, and Spar all throw their weight back as far as possible. Tyleet stumbles on her bad leg. Swift slips and lands square on her backside. Strongbow curses loudly. Brightmetal is the immovable object.
Winnowill sits down to watch the fun. The match is tied for a long time. But gradually Swift’s tribe begins to gain ground. Coppersky falls flat in the mud and struggles to get back up. Savin is slipping in the mud. Tyleet has fallen as well, but Brightmetal, Cheipar and Strongbow are more than pulling their weight. As the minutes tick by and Winnowill shouts pointless taunts, the Green Moon tribe is pulled across the mud pit. The members of the Kumquat tribe manage to back out onto dry sand and rock, and Winnowill declares them the winners. The Kumquats embrace in victory and rush down to the water to wash off the mud. Skywise, Savin and Weatherbird stumble out of the mud. Coppersky struggles to untie himself and tries to rise. But he is stuck. Worse, he is sinking.
“Coppersky!” Nightfall and Savin hasten to help him. He is now up to his armpits in mud. They take hold of his arms and pull, but he disappears into the mire. Swift and her tribe look on in horror. “Quicksand?” she demands of Winnowill incredulously.
Weatherbird and Spar join in and manage to pull Coppersky back out of the mud. He is covered from head to toe in brown muck. He pushes his well-wishers off him and stalks down to the water to bathe. Even Strongbow avoids crossing paths with him.
Green Moon tribe returns to camp empty handed while the Kumquats board
a launch to take them out to the yacht. Captain Triomphe welcomes them
on board and they attempt to smile pleasantly at his bad pronunciation
and poor grammar. “Welcome, welcome,” he booms. “You all enjoy your time
on my ravvit – I mean ship.”
Swift and Tyleet stake out chaises and sunbathe. Cheipar climbs to the highest point on the yacht to watch the scenery. Strongbow and Brightmetal silently watch the coastline pass from the railings. Crescent floats around in the air, pensive.
“We’ll throw in our lines and we’ll look – uh... hunt... no... catch! Catch many, many dartboards for lunch,” Cam announces.
Brightmetal: Lunch was... oh, beyond words. Grilled mahi-mahi and snapper. We all stuffed ourselves. Poor Swift ate a bit too much... she spent a lot of time curled up fetal near the head. You know... I worry about her. I wonder if she's got the stamina for this game. (grins devilishly) Food for thought, you know.The Kumquat tribe relaxes aboard the yacht. Cheipar spots humpback whales migrating. Dolphins dance alongside the bow. More stock nature footage is unearthed for the camera. Upon reaching their destination, a submerged barrier reef, the elves suit up with snorkels and fins and jump in.
“Brightmetal was so sweet,” Tyleet says. “Trolls don’t swim. And I’m guessing Brightmetal doesn’t either. He can float fine if he just lies back and relaxs. But instead he’s flailing about trying to keep his head out of water – and snorkel at the same time!”
Later that afternoon Brightmetal and Swift lounge on the deck of the yacht as it turns back towards the island. “What are you going to do with your million dollars?” Brightmetal asks Swift.
Swift: Dunno. Donate it to Greenpeace, maybe. Or WWF. Get a few pandas named after me. Save a little left over for a few vacations. You?
Brightmetal: Buy my honey a wardrobe of troll bling.Back at Green Moon, Nightfall has taken Coppersky aside. “I know you’re probably thinking of getting rid of me the next time we end up at tribal council. And I understand that – I do. You have to look out for your own universe first. We’d do the same in your position. But are you sure it’s me you want to take out next?”
Coppersky: Nightfall wants to join my team and go after Skywise. Interesting. Yeah. Have to think about that.Weatherbird, Spar and Littlefire go for a walk to gather firewood. Littlefire is soon interested in watching a colony of fire-ants scurry about. “Don’t get stung, turtle!” Weatherbird hollers over her shoulder. She turns to Spar and quizzes her about alliances. “It’s changing... isn’t it? It’s not just us against them.”
“Savin’s weakening. I think she’s forgetting that’s not her Skywise. And he’ll use it. He’s get her to vote me off. Or Coppersky. We have to get Skywise out – sooner the better.”
Weatherbird only shrugs. “We’re not going to tribal council yet. Don’t worry about things that haven’t happened yet.”
The Kumquat tribe returns to camp full of fish and riding high on their latest win. But after evening wears on, Tyleet begins to complain of renewed pains in her leg. Sure enough, her snakebite is inflammed again. “I don’t know... maybe we didn’t get all the venom out... maybe the mud got in...”
**Tyleet may be a liability to our tribe,** Swift sends to Strongbow.
He nods. But all he sends is **Too soon to tell.**
Tyleet: I’m good. I’m good. It’s nothing – it’s just a little bite. I’m not going to be using up all our Essence of Healer on a little bite. I’m a Wolfrider. We tough things out.Late at night, all the elves are asleep, except for Brightmetal, who is sitting out and watching the stars, and Strongbow, who is pacing along the beach. **Tyleet is weak physically,** Strongbow sends. **But I think we need to keep in mind that the merge is not too far away. And if Swift is still around then...**
**She could take this game,** Brightmetal sends back. **I know. Blood of Ten Chiefs is Blood of Ten Chiefs either way, isn’t it, Strongbow? And Swift can be a lot meaner than Cutter when she wants to be. It was good, voting him off first. She has a false sense of security now. We can use that.**
From the shelter, a spectral Crescent observes the locksending. “I don’t know they were sending about,” she says later. “But I’m starting to learn that Brightmetal is not the elf I thought he was. And I have to keep a close eye on him.”
“Twenty days!” Littlefire shouts early the following morning. “Twenty days on this island!”
Coppersky rolls over on his bedroll, clapping his hands over his ears. “I hate that boy,” he moans. “I really do.” He looks over towards Savin’s bed and finds her gone. So is Skywise. “Merciful scat!”
Sure enough, the camera catches Savin and Skywise walking along the rocks together, looking into tidal pools and poking at hermit crabs. “I know he’s not my Skywise,” Savin tells the cameras later. “But he reminds me of my Fahr. It helps with the homesickness, you know. I like being around him. He’s... like a funny brother-in-law or something. But that’s it. No joining involved.” She sighs. “I know I’m using him. And it’s not very fair. But this game isn’t fair. And after seeing how this Skywise can turn on his own tribemates, I know he’s not playing very fair either.”
Skywise: Don’t get me wrong. I want Savin. I’d jump her in a second. But that’s not what this is about. I’m in hostile territory. We can’t count on winning immunity as long as Brightmetal is on that tribe across the way. I need to make it to the merge, when I can get back to my friends on the other tribe. Until then... yeah, I’ll use Savin.Coppersky and Nightfall go off into the forest to hunt. There as been little for the campfire the past few nights, and the tribe is getting sick of “coconut popcorn.” Nightfall takes the opportunity to sound Coppersky out his feelings towards Skywise. But Coppersky coldly rebuffs her. “Let’s not pretend you won’t drop us and run back to your tribe the moment we merge. I read all up about you. You follow the man-Swift around like a puppy dog. The Way and the Now of Wolf-Thought – that’s all you are.”
“And you’re a spoiled, selfish, misogynistic brat,” Nightfall snaps back. “You’ll kill me the moment it suits you. I just want you to realize what will happen if you let Skywise stay around much longer.”
Later in the afternoon, Savin is spearfishing for cuttlefish as they congregate around the coral reef. Weatherbird swims out to see her as she slowly comes in bearing three dead cuttlefish. Savin moves to hand her the calamari, but Weatherbird pushes her gently back into the water and gestures her closely. “We have to watch Coppersky. He and Spar are getting a little too close to Nightfall.” Savin sets her jaw and nods.
Savin notes with pleasure that Coppersky and Nightfall have nothing to present for supper. The Green Moon tribe feasts on calamari and coconut for supper. “We can’t forget the main rule of Survivor,” Savin explains. “Whoever provides the food is a power player. And I don’t think Coppersky needs to become more of threat than he already is.”
Over in her luxury trailer, Winnowill wake to the sound of a telephone ringing. “Host Abode’s Next Top Model?” she mumbles groggily into the receiver. “I’d love to, Tyra.”
On Day 21, the tribes assemble at the edge of a stagnant bog for the immunity challenge. It is one of those insufferable teamwork bridge-building activities made popular at many summer camps. Winnowill explains the rules. Both tribes have to cross the fetid bog by building bridges between five pylons from the start platform to the finish platform. Each time has three planks of wood with which to make their bridges. It will take teamwork and careful calculation to make it across. If any team member falls into the bog, the entire tribe will have to go back and start again.
Green Moon has to sit someone else out. After much hemming and hawing, they settle on Spar. “It’s not like I’m bad at this or anything. But Littlefire can’t sit it out twice in a row, and I don’t mind the break.”
The tribes get to work. It’s easy to set the first plank in place and walk across to the first pylon. Then to the second pylon. But the third plank isn’t long enough to reach the third pylon. They have to retrieve the first plank and pass it over their heads. The Kumquat tribe is coordinated and work as one. The Green Moon tribe struggles, nearly dropping the plank.
Coppersky: It was all Littlefire’s fault. He can’t tell his left hand from his ass.The lead members of the Kumquats make it to the third pylon. Now the smallest plank can be used to reach the fourth pylon. It wobbles, and Brightmetal has to kneel down to hold it in place as Swift and Strongbow walk across. At the rear of the party, Tyleet and Cheipar crowd Crescent on the second plank. They must move to the third pylon and retrieve the plank. Crescent struggles to get higher without using her ghostly magic to float. They crowd on the pylon and Cheipar turns to retrieve the plank. It slips into the bog and Cheipar grimaces as he hauls it out of the muck. Crescent ducks before she can be struck with the plank as Cheipar struggles to manuever it. Tyleet catches the other end of the plank and passes it over to Swift and Strongbow.
Green Moon tribe is still struggling. Littlefire cannot coordinate his
efforts with the others. Savin and Coppersky are arguing. Skywise nearly
falls in the bog, and Weatherbird pulls him up at the last moment. The
Kumquats are already trying to bridge the gap to the finish platform while
the Green Moon tribe is still trying to reach the fourth pylon.
Just then a hideous shapechanged monster leaps out of the bog, and nearly carries Skywise away. Weatherbird lets out a yelp and beats the creature over the head with the plank. Winnowill laughs. “Binky!” she scolds the creature. “Leave them alone.”
Littlefire stumbles on the plank and falls over into the bog. He lets out a piercing scream and scrambles up onto the pylon as he sees the monster swimming towards him. “Hey!” Skywise yelps as Littlefire uses his ankle for a handhold. His arms pinwheel in the arms as he wobbles off balance and his arm knocks Weatherbird into the bog.
“Green Moons, back to the start,” Winnowill commands.
It is too late anyway. The Kumquats have just laid down their final plank. They run down the board bridge and assemble together on the finish platform. Immunity is theirs.
Savin: We did our best. You can’t win every time.The victorious Kumquat tribe returns to camp, the Little Palace in hand. Weatherbird and Littlefire drive off Binky with sending stars, then clean themselves off and rejoin their tribemates. “Sorry,” Skywise says to his alt-granddaughter.Coppersky: I. Hate.You. All. So. MUCH!
“It’s all good,” Weatherbird dismisses.
“But it’s not all good,” Skywise confesses to the camera. “I know the deal was that we’d vote Nightfall off next, but I’m worried. Coppersky doesn’t like me. Nightfall might be able to sway him. And where he leads, Spar follows. That’s three votes against four. They only need to sway one more elf and I could be the one going home. I’m not ready, dammit. I’m not!”
Savin: I don’t want to lose Skywise yet. It’s weak of me, I know. But I like him. And I can’t afford to have Nightfall around. She’s not like our Nightfall, this one. She’s an alpha female. And I know from experience you can’t have two alpha females around for long.
Coppersky: Skywise has to go. And Savin has to learn what happens when you lose sight of the masterplan.As the afternoon waxes on, Skywise is seen hauling water for the cooking pot, and the camera catch Savin in conference with her granddaughter in the shallows. “Has Coppersky approached you?” she asks Weatherbird. Weatherbird nods. “Are you going to vote for Skywise?” Savin presses.
“Littlefire and I are waiting for your word,” Weatherbird says. “We vote as a bloc, the three of us. If you want, we can take Nightfall out. Or... we could take Coppersky out.”
Savin: What?
Weatherbird: I’m just saying.
“What do you want to do, Grandmother?” Weatherbird asks as they continue to bob in the water.
“I don’t want to turn on Skywise. I don’t want to lose him.”
“But he’s not your Skywise.”
“I know that! I know that! And he’s a power player. He nearly won this game last season. He could take this game this time. And he’d turn on me the moment it suits him. But... it’s not just a game anymore. It’s Skywise. Not our Skywise. But Skywise just the same. I can’t just lie to his face.... I don’t know, Weatherbird. I don’t know if I can do it.”
Weatherbird bites her lip a moment. “Then vote as your heart tells you, Grandmother. And Littlefire and I will vote as our hearts tell us.”
Savin blinks at her granddaughter. The implication is clear. Savin nods.
“Are we still on?” Skywise asks as Savin rejoins him on the beach. Savin smiles sadly and kisses his cheek. Skywise recoils at the strange sensation. Then he frowns. “We’re... we’re still voting for Nightfall, right?”
Savin: We are. But I can’t promise who the others will vote for.The Green Moon Tribe arrives at tribal council as a harsh breeze begins to blow, stirring the flames of their torches as they sit around the central hearth. “A hard challenge today,” Winnowill says. “How are we all doing? Littlefire, you look a little... edgy.”
Littlefire: Edgy... edgy... I’m edgy –edgy – am I? Getting nearly by m-m-monsters m-makes people edgy-edgy.
Winnowill: That Binky’s a pistol, isn’t she? Skywise. You and Nightfall are the only Warp elves left on this tribe. Is it going to be one of you who goes home tonight?“Most definitely, Winnowill,” Skywise says. “It’s just a question of which one of us gets the vote. And I... I don’t know right now.”
“Weatherbird, is that accurate?” Winnowill asks. “Is someone from Warp going home tonight?”
Weatherbird: All signs point to yes.
Winnowill: Isn’t a saying from a magic eight-ball?“And with that, it is time to vote,” Winnowill announces. They all retire one by one. Littlefire is the last one to go in. He does not return for a long time. Finally Winnowill sends Weatherbird in to look for him. She returns a few moments later, dragging a reluctant brother-in-law behind her. “I’ll go tally the votes,” Winnowill says.Weatherbird: There is wisdom in the eight-ball, Winnowill.
She returns a few moments later and offers the usual disclaimer about votes being final. Then she begins to read them out loud. “Skywise. Nightfall. Skywise. Nightfall. Skywise...” she unfolds the sixth vote. “And the eighth person voted off Survivor: Alternaverse... Skywise. That’s four, that’s enough. Over here, Skywise.”
Skywise turns to Savin. She smiles sadly and nods. Skywise summons a brave expression and walks over to Winnowill to have his flame snuffed out. Savin gropes in the air for Weatherbird’s hand, and she gives it a reassuring squeeze.
“Skywise, the tribe as spoken,” Winnowill says. “It’s time for you to leave.”
At the last moment, Savin gets up and runs to Skywise’s side. She clasps his face in her hands and plants a kiss right on his mouth. Then she releases him and returns to her seat. “Had to try it,” she explains to the amazed Weatherbird.
Skywise disappears down the path, and the Green Moon tribe returns to